At the opening worship at the Pullman Memorial Universalist Church we light a flaming chalice. This practice is common among many UU churches across the world. The chalice unites our members in worship and symbolizes the spirit of our work.

The symbol of the chalice is an ancient one. Fire and light have been an important element in worship for centuries. Today many choose to think that the flaming chalice symbolizes our UU search for truth and meaning. The chalice is steadfast and unchanging; the flame illuminates our way, but is constantly adopting new shapes and hues.

The lighting and the extinguishing of the chalice signify the beginning and end of our common worship time together. While our chalice is unique to us, the symbols unite us with kindred Unitarian Universalists worldwide.

(adapted from the writings of Daniel Hotchkiss)

For more information on the UU Flaming Chalice go to:

One of our favorite hymns at PMUC is Spirit of Life . The lyrics express how each of us is grounded in the "roots" of our church family, yet free to use our "wings" to soar with our individual spirit.

Spirit of Life

Spirit of Life

Come unto me

Sing in my heart

All the stirrings of compassion

Blow in the wind

Rise in the sea

Move in the hand

Giving life the shape of justice

Roots hold me close

Wings set me free

Spirit of life

Come to me

Come to me

Carolyn McDade
