The Grapevine Newsletter

Summer 2007

Published by: Pullman Memorial Universalist Church Albion , NY

Member of The Unitarian Universalist Association

Opening Words

Morning Poem

-excerpts from reading #536 in hymnal

If it is in your nature to be happy you will swim

away along the soft trails for hours,

your imagination alight everywhere.

And if your spirit carries within it the thorn

that is heavier than lead - if it's all you can do

to keep on trudging.

There is still somewhere deep within you

a beast shouting that the earth is

exactly what it wanted.

Whether or not you have ever

dared to be happy.

Whether or not you have

ever dared to pray.

Mary Oliver

Mary Oliver is a Pulitzer Prize- and National Book Award-winning poet. She was the Ware Lecturer at the UUA General Assembly in St. Louis in June 2006.

Service Schedule – Sunday at 11:00AM



Coffee Hour

Aug. 12

Susan Daiss

Picnic after service

Sept. 9

Rev. John Rex

Alan Nugent

Sept. 16

Rev. Donald Reidell

Sept. 23

Susan Daiss

Sept. 30


Oct. 7

Rev. Donald Reidell


"Old Tyme Day"

at the

Cobblestone Museum

August 4, 2007 9 to 4

Childs, NY intersection of Rt. 98 and 104

*Children's games

*Cobble painting

*Antique Sale

*Heritage Crafts

*Working Blacksmith

*Carousel Carver

*Antique Cars

*Quilt Show

*Maple Cotton Candy

"Free Admission"


Mid-Summer Service and Picnic

Everyone is invited to attend our Annual Mid-Summer Service at PMUC on Sunday, August 12th at 11:00 a.m. Following a brief coffee hour, please plan on attending a church picnic at Chris Loss' house at 1:00 p.m. The church will provide hot dogs and hamburgers and everyone is asked to bring a dish to pass. Paper plates, utensils, and condiments will also be provided. Boats are available, and bring a fishing pole if you'd like to do some fishing at the ponds. Please drive in and walk back to the ponds (and if you have trouble walking, we will transport you back there). Directions are provided below. Amanda Nutty will be sending out reminder notices as the date gets closer. We hope to see everyone!

Directions to Chris’s house at 14060 Root Road , Albion , NY 14411 ( Barre Center )

Phone 589-1626 for additional information.

Directions from the church:

1. Go west from the church to Rt 98.

2. Take a left on Rt 98 and continue going south.

3. Turn right onto Root Road .

4). Continue for about a quarter of a mile, turn lt at 14060 Root Road .

Directions from the south:

1. Take Rt. 98 North.

2. Turn left onto Root Road .

3. Continue for about a quarter of a mile, and turn left at 14060 Root Road .

Directions from the east:

1. Follow Rt. 31 west until you reach the 4 corners in Albion .

2. Turn left at Rt. 98 and head south.

3. Turn right at Root Road . (go past the Barre Deli)

4. Continue for about a quarter of a mile, and turn left at 14060 Root Road .


David Markham, Don Zimmer, Jan Jurgens, Rene’ Schasil, and Mark Dibelka (and there may be a few others who attended that I am not aware of), who joined SoulForce (an organization valuing the freedom for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people from religious and political oppression through the practice of relentless nonviolent resistance) and attended the July 20th meeting with Representative Stephen Hawley to represent this church in standing up for the right of gays and lesbians to marry.

John Rex - for his sermon on gay issues on June was much appreciated!

Lauretta Young, Bonnie Beiswenger, Mikayla Dibelka, Tyler Dibelka, Fiona Beck, and Tyler Smith for their play on May 27th entitled, 'The Dog and the Harvest'. Lauretta and Bonnie were monitors, Mikayla played the Queen, Tyler D. played the dog, Tyler S. played the hunter, and Fiona was the wiseman. Great job. Such talent!!

Everyone who helped out at the Strawberry Festival... Sara Phillips, Doris Brown, and Sara Burroughs for serving coffee and doughnuts in the mornings, and Rene' Schasel, C.W. Lattin, Amanda Nutty, Dick Hoffman, Patti Adema, Jan Jurgens, Nick Provenzo, & Lauretta Young for serving popcorn.

C.W. Lattin for organizing the meeting for the Wind Energy group at the church back in May and also for his talk on religious prints at the church service at Cobblestone on June 24th.


Samantha Phillips - daughter of Sara and Tom Phillips, graduated from High School and is going on to RIT in the fall.

Julie and Harlan McGrath - condolences to them regarding the death of Nancy McMullen, age 53, following an extended illness. Nancy was a close relative of Julie.

David Markham - joined the church family on June 3rd!! Welcome aboard, David!

Diana Dudley - announced it was her birthday on May 27th. On June 24th, she said she had visited Peg Wilson at The Landing, and she is in great spirits and mending well from a broken wrist and hip.

Sara Phillips - had visited Peg back in May after she had first fallen and reported to the congregation that although Peg was in pain and in a wheelchair, she was in good spirits.

Avis Lattin - is 97 years young!

Monica Beck - was happy that her friend from California came out here to see her!

Dave Markham - took the cemetery tour given by C.W. Lattin at Mt. Albion recently and pronounced it a great service to this community. Also - don't forget that cemetery tours occur every 3rd Sunday...look in the paper for locations.

Amanda Nutty - took her kids to Mt. Albion cemetery recently and made wishes in the well, and was able to tell them tidbits that she had learned from attending previous cemetery tours!

Chris Loss - had a scare when her son, Dustin, had to have emergency surgery at Strong Hospital ...but recovered quickly.

Fiona Beck - went Whitewater rafting recently and had great snacks afterwards.

George Miller - said that his joy was hearing Rich DellaCosta play the organ this morning (June 10th).

Susan Daiss and Louise Wu (in case anyone missed this) have graduated from Colgate Divinity School . Their course work is now complete, but there is more work to be done before they can be ordained ministers. Congratulations ladies!!

Don Reidell - was pleased that his son dropped by with his idea of the 7 course meal Don had requested for Father's Day, which consisted of a 6-pack of beer and a poptart (pancake and a smoke, anyone?).

Alan Nugent - announced on June 24th that he has survived a challenging week leaving his cottage and moving into an old home in East Pembroke that isn't in the best shape. He and Charlie also suffered a bout of food poisoning. (All is well now.)

Susan Daiss - said that it is a great joy to be together again (June 24th) and honoring a community that connects us with time.

Andrea Rebeck - introduced her friend, John, visiting from California , who happens to be a restoration specialist (at the June 24th Cobblestone Service). John said that he is pleased to be here in this honored building, and thanked us for taking care of our community so well.

Time Share

Rich Della Costa - recommended the film 'Motorcyle Diaries'.

Bonnie Beiswenger - talked about the NPR series 'This I Believe', and a piece entitled 'Always Go To The Funeral'. She read 'if you don't find yourself routinely inconvenienced by others, you need to examine your life.'

George Miller then quoted Yogi Berra. "if you don't go to other people's funerals, they won't go to yours."

Report from the Road

Monica Beck on May 27th - saw Peonies blooming and Redwing Blackbirds in evidence.

John Rex on June 10th - witnessed such beautiful flowers on the way to church today...there was such joy to be found in all the different colors!

Dick Hoffman on June 24th - was blessed to look out and see five swans at his cottage, and a creek full of ducks (they don't all like each other, but it's wonderful to see them).

Bisexual Gay Lesbian Transgender Equality

The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations supports full equality for bisexual, gay, lesbian, and/or transgender people (BGLT). We believe that our first principle, respecting "the inherent worth and dignity of every person," applies equally to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. As an Association, we covenant to promote justice, equity, and compassion in human relations, and so in addition to welcoming BGLT people into our religious community, we also work to protect the civil and legal rights of BGLT people and families across the country. Unitarian Universalists have been at the forefront of the same-sex marriage debates, advocating for the right for each person to marry the partner of his or her choice. We also support, among other policies, non-discrimination in employment practices and job-related benefits, legal protections against persecution and hate crimes and the right of bisexual, gay, lesbian, and/or transgender people to serve openly in the United States military.

On July 15 the PMUC approved this resolution is support of BGLT marriage rights.

Resolution of the Pullman Memorial Universalist Church

Whereas the first amendment of the constitution of the United States states that the government should make no law respecting the establishment of a religion;

And whereas States, in carrying out their civil responsibilities see fit to license people to marry;

And whereas the States’ license to marry does not compel or imply any religious endorsement but sanctions marriage as a civil institution;

And whereas the State should not discriminate against any of its citizens but treat them as equal under the law;

And whereas the State has a vested interest in promoting marriage as a stable foundation for a healthy society sanctioning rights and responsibilities of committed couples and their children;

And whereas the first principle of Unitarian Universalism calls for the respect of the “inherent worth and dignity of every person”;

And whereas the Unitarian Universalist Association resolved at it General Assembly in 1996 to urge its member congregations “to proclaim the worth of marriage between any two committed persons and to make this position known in their home communities”;

And whereas the UUA Board of Trustees and the UU Ministers Association have voted their support for the right to marry for same-sex couples;

Therefore, the Board of Pullman Memorial Universalist Church resolves to publicly support same sex marriage in New York State , in other states in the United States , and in other countries around the world.

s/ Janice Jurgens, Rene Schlasil, Co- Presidents

President, Board of Pullman Memorial Universalist Church , Albion , NY Dated: 07/15/07

This resolution was presented to Rep. Stephen Hawley on July 20 th by a delegation from PMUC in league with SoulForce.

René Descartes said, "If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.


Eye on the Board of Trustees

Highlights of the Board of Trustees Meeting – June 17, 2007

*Jan Jurgens and Rene' Schasel were voted in as Board Co-Chairman.

*George Miller submitted a letter on 3 topics.

1).Fall Speaker series

A) Islam and Muslims in the USA

B) Judaism in the USA

Board voted and approved.

2).Ministerial Search. Updated board on progress..

3).WNY UU Cluster group. He was contacted by Rev. Timothy Ashton of the UU Church of Amherst, NY asking if PMUC is interested in participating. Does the board wish him to look into this, or should he drop it?

To be discussed at the next board meeting in July.

* Andrea Rebeck, Ron Beiswenger, and George Miller are working on plans for repair of the ramp in front of the church.

*Finance committee has met to discuss plans for funding. Jan Jurgens and Dick Hoffman went through the safety deposit box as is required by the by-laws.

*Funding was approved for 2 furnaces, one will maintain the temperature during the week.

*There will be a separate meeting following the next Board meeting to go over the by-laws.

*The Membership committee will be reactivated, with Chris Loss to serve as Board Liaison.

*The Fund-Raising committee will be reactivated, with Don Zimmer to serve as Board Liaison.

*A summer picnic will follow the summer service on August 12th..will come up with a location shortly. Amanda Nutty will send out reminder cards.

*Letter submitted from Sara Burroughs giving up position as collector after the August service. Sara Phillips has agreed to be the collector at the start of our September Service. Sara Burroughs has done a great job as our collector. Her work has been a great asset to the Pullman Memorial Church . We are lucky to have someone with the devotion that she has shown. Thank you Sara, from the board.


Pullman Memorial Universalist Church

10 East Park Street

Albion , NY 14411