Connect to sites of interest to
members . . .
Unitarian Universalist Association
-- Our headquarters in Boston, MA
"We are Unitarian Universalist"
-- an introductory pamphlet by Marta Flanagan
100 Questions about UUism
-- by the UU Church of Nashua, NH
The Cobblestone Society
-- Visit the Cobblestone Museum in Childs, NY -- Site of The Cobblestone Church, erected by the First Universalist Society A.D. 1834.
Orleans County
, NY -- Our local community
Famous UU's
-- Individuals who have been associated with UUism
St. Lawrence District
-- Our UU District office
Amnesty International
-- working to protect human rights worldwide
Religious Tolerance
-- Promoting tolerance toward all faiths
Interfaith Impact
-- voice for social change in NYS
Bert Christensen's
-- The eclectic site of a UU from Toronto (Including photos of PMUC and other UU churches.)
Visit New York State / Orleans
-- Links to PMUC and other Orleans County sites
David Markham
-- Private Psychotherapy Practice
Inner Peace Medicine
-- Real-life solutions to relieve stress, reduce illness and improve your outlook on life
NY State Convention of Universalists
-- Organized in 1825; now promoting the growth of the Unitarian Universalist movement.
Planned Parenthood
--Promoting responsible family planning and women's right to free choice.
First Universalist Church of Rochester
-- Nurture the Spirit - Serve the Community
First Unitarian Church of Rochester
Love is the spirit of this church and service is its law. ...