PMUC - - Albion , NY

P ullman M emorial U niversalist C hurch

Member of the Unitarian Universalist Association

Summer '07 Newsletter is now on-line. Go to News page, then to NEWSLETTER.

August 4th at The Cobblestone Museum in Childs, NY celebrate 'Old Tyme Day' from 9:00AM to 4:00PM.

Mid-Summer service at PMUC on Sunday Aug. 12th at 11:00AM with Picnic to follow.

See newsletter for details.

Go to the News page to read the July 21, 2007 article from the Batavia Daily News about the SoulForce and PMUC meeting with Rep. Steven Hawley.

O ur C ovenant:

Enriched by our unique legacy, we come together:

To encourage personal spiritual growth in an open democratic environment,

To search for truth and meaning in our lives,

To model together our values of love and respect,

To advocate in a spirit of optimism for freedom and tolerance in our community.

O ur S upportors:

Traffic Attorneys

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